logo design
visual brand design
art direction
In the Spring of 2023, I set out to collect stories and insights from artists, designers, writers, photographers, and a whole mess of other wildly talented creatives. I recorded the conversations and called the podcast Bad Idea Socal Club. I created a brand that reflected my personality and sensibilities while leaving room for the guest’s character, qualities, and stories to shine without judgment or filters. This podcast—this project—has been a constant source of inspiration and energy for me, and I hope our listeners feel the same. And on the design side of things, it’s kind of nice being my own client.
It feels kinda weird to write my own testimonial, but it’s my podcast and my design work so I can do whatever I want. That said, this podcast—this project has afforded me so many invaluable experiences and has pushed my creativity in ways I couldn’t have predicted. You should listen to it and tell your friends.
Aaron McCall
Founder / Host
Bad Idea Social Club
Joe Matteson, photo